So there I was and had never “spoken to a wall” in a studio before. One time I had to record segments of a program (on my masters thesis) for a video presentation (since I’d just had baby #2 and couldn’t be there live) and that was HARD work for me. I love an audience, but give me a wall and I’m not so good at it. Or so I thought until January 2010. Over 8 weeks in February and March I recorded 18 new programs for 30 minute CD’s. Talk about talking to walls. It was easy! Easy because I could picture all my audiences over the years – the questions you’ve had, the concerns and struggles, the needs and the inspirations. Feedback is a gift and over and over I asked audiences for feedback to my programs so I have heard it all – good, bad and why I shouldn’t wear gold shoes or do my hair a certain way! Some advice I had to throw out with the bath water, but most of it was GREAT and like Simon Cowell can help toughen up an American Idol and push them to be better – my audiences demand more and more out of me and I dig that about them because it pushes me to be better. Are you getting better? I hope so. We don’t have time for mediocre in today’s economy. We can’t afford not to be our best or strive to understand the heart of the matter any longer. So check out my changes and best of luck on yours! And if I can help you with anything, please don’t hesitate to call or refer me please!